Friday 17 February 2012

Power Animals

I bought this book a very long tme ago. It's called Power Animals: How To Connect With Your Spirit Guide by Steven D Farmer. It comes with a cd with the meditation on it to help you find your power animal. I used this cd once again today in order to find my power animal and I have finally found it!
Here she is! And so cute as well! I love her so much!
I would recomend the book I mentioned above if you are interested in finding your power animal. It's very helpful. ALthough, it has information on various animals and what it means if they're your power animal. But my sweet tabby is ignored!
I found out a few thing from my wonderful friend the internet. What my animal says about me:
  • I am independant
  • I am a free thinker
  • I am often energised at night (unfortunately very true)
  • I tend to stay with a person or situation until I get bored, then I wander off
  • I have clear perception
  • I'm organised (not at all!)
  • I need courage and confidence, which my kitty will bring me
  • It's about time I changed, or I am changing
  • I am elegant
  • I am understanding
  • I am intuitive
  • I am empathatic
  • I have a big heart
  • I'm lazy (so, so true)
A cat as a spirit animal also:
  • Represents love
  • Helps you move through your fears
  • Teaches that the physical and spiritual worlds are the same world
  • Is a trustworthy teacher as well as being resourceful, strong and fearless
  • Shows how to clarify perception
  • Allows new ideas to manifest
  • Encourages emotional and mental agility
  • Helps you be resourceful and stealthy
  • Helps you increase your intuity
Talking to her during this meditation thingy I also learnt that:
  • She's playful
  • She gives and recieves love a hell of a lot
  • She's confident
Those last three are definately a part of me I buried long ago. As for the rest, some of it's scarily accurate. Some of it is a load of bull. But I have no idea what I'm really like anyway. So you can make what you like of my personality by this ...

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