Tuesday 28 February 2012

Recharacterisation: Amelie

I posted something about her character before and in light of recent events, I would like to correct it.
"For a long time I saw her as stupid and blind. I thought she was completely under Marzena's control". Now I disagree. She's a bitch in her own right.
"She was incredibly helpful and so, so supportive". She was supportive because I was doing what she wanted. Every time she disliked something I did, she stopped being supportive. Despite the I supported her in so many things I would much rather have told her she was stupid for. Like when she told me the reason she doesn't like lesbians is because she's afraid they're going to rape her. And she doesn't like Ganika when they've only met once. And she got herself grounded for seeing her boyfriend Andrew and couldn't see us for months at a time. Yet she'd then meet up with him again, get caught and be grounded. Instead of asking her if he's really worth it, I kept my mouth shut and wished her luck. (And she claims I put guys before friends? Especially since she's the one who let them drive us apart).
"Amelie is completely insane". I meant this in a positive way. Insane as in fun and not afraid to be different. She appears to be like that. But she once told me that if you want to kill yourself then you should keep your mouth shut and just do it. That's why, after trying to kill herself 11 times she was put in a mental home for 3 days. And there really was a little boy in the corner rocking and grinning to himself all weirdly. Bullshit! That never happened and even if it had, how would they have known? And that's why she also lied about being raped. And why she said to me "why don't you just go and slit your wrists" yesterday simply because I said I like a guy. She's insane in all the wrong ways.
"She's human". As if that excuses her from being as bitchy as she was? No way. I know that people have bad sides, my own terrifies me. But that doesn't mean they can be excused for everything they do. What she said to me was just vicious. I used to hate William the most out of anyone I had ever met. I must have mentioned him? After arguing with him I'd want to kill someone I was so angry. But I would never have said that. Or anything even like that. I know one of his weaknesses because his brother died recently. I saw him cry over it. I could have been cruel about it. But no matter what, I would never mention that. Even now I wouldn't say that to Amelie. Or pick on her weakness and tell her mum about the phone Andrew bought her and payed for. The one she only texts him from. The one that I'll bet she hasn't deleted the dirty pictures from.
My new opinion of her: She's a bitch. And all I can do is thank the Goddess my other friends didn't take up her plight today.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks ;)

    I've got you're e-mail today! I'm just to stressed to answer soon, stupid school...

    Bye, have a nice day! :)
