Saturday 25 February 2012

What would you do?

What would you do if you wanted to text someone who meant loads to you, but you were afraid in case they didn't want to talk to you? What would you do if you wanted to tell someone you missed them but were afraid in case they said something you didn't want to hear? What would you do if you couldn't get over a guy you didn't deserve? What would you do if you were afraid of your own mind and wanted to improve it but just felt yourself slipping back to how you were? What would you do if you kept trying to quit self harm but couldn't manage it? What would you do if you just wanted to tell someone the truth and have them be there for you, but you didn't have anyone? What would you do if you wanted to cry but just couldn't? What would you do if you looked in the mirror and just felt plain and not worthy of noticing? What would you do if you just wanted to be good enough for that one person? What if you missed someone more and more each day but you knew you would never see them again? What would you do if you were me?
(All questions I'm asking myself but if you have an answer I'd be most grateful)

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