Thursday 23 February 2012

Life is Good

I did a post a long time ago about things in my life I was grateful for, and I'm probably still grateful for them. But here are some more things, just because I feel like it.
  • I am finally beginning to learn from my mistakes
  • I am healing my mind
  • I have discovered that I'm not quite as selfish as I first thought
  • My family really are more amazing than I give them credit for
  • I've relearnt the value of friendship
  • I've also rediscovered loyalty, something I was convinced humanity had lost
  • I have finally discovered that yes, it can hurt to care about people. But it hurts far less than it does to not care
  • I'm not that much more than a month away from being able to do conservation work and therefore helping the planet and therefore the Goddess that has given me so much
  • There's always a positive side to everything, if you just care to look
  • Today was the first day of spring in England for 2012. The sun's making me feel better all ready!
  • I've never lived in a country under the regime of a cruel dictator or with as scary a political situation as somewhere like say, the Middle East
  • War has never affected me personally
  • I've only lost one member of my family and at the time I was too young for the pain to be as bad as it would be now
  • I have a sense of humour, twisted as it is. And a sense of humour is something far too many people lack
  • I have travelled to many other places since I last wrote something like this (Well, 6)
  • I have never suffered the effects of a natural disaster
  • I never lack food or clothes
  • I'm not afraid to dream
  • I have all my limbs and things
So yeah, life isn't that bad :)

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