Saturday 22 October 2011


This is an attempt at writing about charicters so I thought I would start with telling you about my friend Amisha. She's incredibly strange. The first thing that indicates her strageness is her obssesion with split ends. We found out about this in early September this year and it's been an endless source of amusement. If she sees a split end she has to pull it out straight away and enjoys it immensly. Scarlett sits in front of her in maths and whole lessons have gone by where Scarlett won't lean forwards because Amisha is looking through her hair and will pull on it or scream "noooooooooooooooo" if she does move. First of all Ganika picked up the habit, then Scarlett and now even I'm doing it. Although, I'm proud to say, I have no split ends :)
If this yellow fish was Amisha and these bubbles would be split ends, this would be very accurate:
That's not the only strange hair related thing she's done in maths. The othr day she coloured the tips of mine dark blue (I have very dark hair so it only worked on the ends and even then only the most golden part). I let her at first because it was quite funny. She wants me to dip my entire head in red hair dye, convinced it'll make my hair much nicer and then she can laugh at my red face.
This is the girl who, when we were playing maths games on the computers, started saying "you're doing it wrong! You're going to die now" until said it whenever she came near. And who pretended the computer mouse was a real mouse that was climbing up my leg. I then joined in with the one next to me. We called them Jerry and Mouseatouille and used them for many hours entertainment.
We spent hours discussing the best lines of Pirates of the Carribean and we all love Captain Jack Sparrow! We find him the funniest person on Earth. None of us can wait until the next one and we want to have a sleepover where we watch all 4 of the movies in a row. Maybe dressed as pirates for fun, definately with popcorn. Amisha may have admitted jealousy of Captain Sparrows bandana.
And even though she thinks boys are a waste of air and is totally asexual, she is fascinated by my love life. The other day she spent hours trying to guess who my almost-crush is on, although I flat out lied to her. She says her interest is because she doesn't understand why other people, e.g. me are "obssessed" with guys. Whatever the reason is, it's almost as annoying as her size. She's the skinniest person I've ever met! But, it means I can claim that with her bird like legs she can fit on the end of the table in science where there i a bar under the table and my "fat" legs can't. And no suspicion is aroused, when really I want to sit next to the guy next to her ;)
She's the most talkative person I know and is always getting in trouble in class because she doesn't shut up. Meaning my French teacher, who can't even get her name right, hates her. But it is funny when she gets her name wrong. I would love to share the names with you but for that to be understood I would have to give away her real name which I am NOT doing.
When I was saying what our friends would be like as teachers for a joke, picking on all their worst points, I said that she would end up stopping the lesson to search her students hair for split ends. She'd stop her own funeral to take out the split ends of whoever does a Hindu funeral.
This girl loves being difficult and hates the skankiest guy in school who is very needy and has latched onto us, Noah, and spiders, she's one of those that kills them :s even though she's vegitarian and believes everyone else, including animals like lions, tigers etc should be.
When I asked her what her best memory was, in the hope of a good story, she simply said our conversations from lunch times. Which is annoying. The main "story" I can produce is her past, and about her dad. But Amisha's post was meant to be lighthearted and hopefully, but probably not, entertain you as much as she entertains us. So no sobstories ...

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