Sunday 8 May 2011

Worse Off

I quite often think I'm fucked up. I hate my life. I complain a lot. And as I've said before, I used to self harm. But then I think of other people.
Eva got sexually abused. And her boyfriends have all been pricks up until now. Her mum was raped as a teen. Her sister almost died from anorexia. Her grandad couldnt eat because of a brain tumour.
Jack has to act as a dad to his two little brothers. Because his dads such a prick.
Amisha hasnt seen her dad for two years.
Marzena had to move here from Poland, learn a new language and everything else that comes with moving country. Her brother fell in with the wrong crowd and she's now afraid of him.
Amelie was almost raped and almost killed.
Ellie's mum was put in prison.
I know some people whose mum died recently.
But none of them complain. Life goes on. You cant tell bad things have happened to them at all. And these are just the things I know about. There must be so much that I dont know. Because other people hide their problems.
I dont know how they do it. But I just wish I could be stronger. That I could be like them. And just cope and get on my life. Maybe I should ask them how they manage it. And for once in my life, I'll listen to peoples advice without zoning out once. And actually follow the advice for the first time ever

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