Monday 16 May 2011

Bus Stop

I KNOW I'm not the only one that gets bored at bus stops. If you have someone with you, they're great. If you don't, they're crap. There is nothing to do.
Today I had a particularly loooooooooooong wait. And I'm going to have 4 waits tomorrow, thursday and sataday. So I sent round a text, hoping for some usefull advice or at least a laugh saying "10 things to do when you're at a bus stop, bored out of your mind and by yourself. Any suggestions?"
The replys were just begging to be posted. Please comment if you tried numbers 1,5,6,8,9, 10, 11 with peoples reactions :')
1. Dance
2. Listen to music
3. Text
4. Read mag/paper/book
5. Stalk fit boys (highly recommended by Marzena)
6. Sing
7. Strut
8. Talk to yourself
9. Play pranks on whoevers around you
10. Wet yourself
11. Flirt with the old people
12. Eat
13. Count cars passing
14. Count how many people are waiting with
15. Try to chat
16. Play on your phone
17. Sleep
18. Make up jokes in your head
19. Count how many animals you see
I've promised Eva I'll try number 11 tomorrow. And of course I'm still waiting for people to reply lol.

1 comment:

  1. yea,ive done 6,8,11,i cant wet myself cause i,uhh,(wwait,what do you mean by wetting my self),i dont stalk fit boys cause im a man though,and i dont prank the innocent :P
