Monday 23 May 2011

Why I HATE Maths Like A Jew Hates A Nazi

Ok, the titles a slight exaggeration. But I hate maths so so much. I could give you a lot of reasons.
I will NEVER use it
I can't STAND numbers
And the latest, most frustrating thing? It's stopping my life!
I want to be a journalist when I'm older. That's mainly why I keep a blog. It's a chance for me to practice writing and hopefully get tips on how I can improve. So when I found out that through school I could get a week long course at the college in journalism - just a practise, a taster, I was incredibly excited. I HAD to go. Mum and Dad were even prepared to lie when they filled out the forms so I had more chance to get in. This was going to be great! It was just what I needed. And I would be missing school.
But then it turns out no-one in year ten from our school can go. I am missing out on a huge chance, one that I was really looking forward to. It might not be anything major. But it's one of those little things that make you stand out from all the other people applying for the job. And I would actually use it in my life. But I can't because I have a maths exam =.=
Maths which will never affect me. I will never need algebra in my life. Not for my job. Not for sixth form/college or for uni. Not for everyday life. So I'm sitting doing a useless exam that lasts about an hour and a half maybe. Which I dont want to take. And which affects me in NO WAY SHAPE OR FORM. And it's causing me to miss out on a week of learning things I will use and that I really want to do. Yeah, thanks maths. Love you loads. If you want me, I'll be in my room blaring Eisbrecher and sticking pins in to a vodoo doll of you (just kidding about the vodoo doll bit. I dont do vodoo. And even if I did, it's maths - you can't make a doll of it) ....

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