Tuesday 17 May 2011

Field Of Paper Flowers

"Don't say I'm out of touch
With this rampant chaos, your reality
I know well what lies beyond my sleeping refuge
The nightmare I build my own world to escape"
Imaginary, Evanescence
As the quote suggests, I hat the real world. "There is nothing wrong with me, this is how I'm supposed to be. In a world of make belief, that don't believe in me" (Jesus of Suburbia, Greenday). It bores the crap out of me. So I like to live in my mind. I don't pay any attention to this world you strange people who live here call "Earth" (which I call "City of the Damned". Quote from the same song as before). Instead I focus on what's going on in what you would call my "imaigination" (which I call my "life" so that you weird alien-y peoples who live in the "City of the Damned", sorry I mean Earth, can understand. Or, when I don't care about your understanding, erm, I can't think of a quote :p ). So why should I write about the "real" world? I thought. Instead, everything in italics is from now on fantasy, unless it's a word or a phrase or whatever that I'm just putting emphasis on. Or it might be the truth but slightly embellished.
I'm now going to fill up the rest of this entry with imagination quotes :)
"I reject your own reality and substitue it for my own" Adam Savage
"Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will get you everywhere" Albert Einstein (I would like to come up with an edited version of this - "Logic will take you from A to B by train. Imagination will take you from A to B - or anywhere else for that matter - by space shuttle". I'm in a stupid mood :D )
"Imagination is the only weapon in a war against reality" Someone very smart who knew my mind very well
"I am inagination. I can see what the eyes cannot see. I can hear what the ears cannot hear. I can feel what the heart cannot feel" the imagination of Peter Nivo Zarlenga
"I beleive that imagination is stronger than knowledge - myth is more potent than history - dreams are more powerfull than facts - hope always triumphs over experience - laughter is the cure for grief - love is stronger than death" Robert Fulghum, a man who clearly knows the truth
"The human mind can do anything" - Jack (This entire blog uses fake names for the people I know and myslef. So I can't turn round and put this persons real name now. Besides, if he found it he would then be able to use it against me cos i always argue with him and he always wins. Even though I'm normally right :p )
"Do you live, do you die
Do you bleed for the fantasy?
In your mind, through your eyes
Do you see it's the fantasy?" The Fantasy, 30 Seconds To Mars (The answer to all these is yes. Although the last one does qhite often become a "no" :p )

Sorry if any of this is offensive to anyone in any way, like the "City of the Damned" part and whatever. I don't mean it. I'm just in one of those moods :P :D

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