Wednesday 4 May 2011

I am NOT a stereotype

How many labels do you think you can pin to me? I'll start with the basics.
Teen. Essex girl. English. Female.
My basic details. What do people assume from this?
Oh, I'm a teenager. I must go round stabbing people all the time and taking drugs and getting drunk and I must smoke. I'm probably anorexic. I stay out all night. I'm rude. I cause trouble. I don't give a shit about anyone else. WRONG!
I'm from Essex. I must wear really short skirts all the time. And heels. And revealing tops. I must pile on the make up and fake tan. I must be out clubbing all the time. I must be a total slag and sleep with every guy I can get my hands on and have a billion STIs. And be really common. WRONG!
Im English. I must be posh and stuck up and think I'm better than everyone else. And talk like the Queen. And go to a private school. And Daddy must be ever so rich. And I probably have a chauffer and a mansion and live out in the country. And I probably aspire to marry into royalty. WRONG!
Female. Well, some sexist bastards would say that makes me weak. And stupid. And that I belong in the kitchen. And can't do anything because it's a mans world. Some would even go so far as to say that the whole purpose of me living is to marry and have children. Then you get the creepy ones who think we're just there for them to have sex with. WRONG!
When you get to know me a bit more maybe you'll judge me on being a goth and an ex self harmer. On the fact I'm smart and go to a Catholic school.
You probably think I'm depressed all the time. That my only friends - if I have any at all - are other depressed goths. But because I'm smart I must be a teachers pet. With no friends and no social life. I must have no sense of humour and learning must be the be all and end all of life. A Catholic school? Well I must go to church every day and be very religious and follow the bible to the letter. I must be very virtous and afraid to sin. Or do you take the opposite view? That we must all be sluts? WRONG!
Maybe you've judged me by my hair colour or my religion, After all, all brunettes are boring right. And I'm Wiccan so I must be a devil worshipper and am planning to sacrifice you. And I'm evil and kill animals and eat them and you should be afraid of me. I'm possessed and dangerous. WRONG!
Try find something yourself. Find a stereotype. I'll put money on you being unable to make it stick. What about you? Do you fit into a stereotype? No? Well if I don't and you don't, maybe we're all like that. Maybe we're all unique and none of us are stereotypes. Maybe stereotypes are - and this is just a random guess here - a LIE. Just something to think about before you start to judge that person over there.

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