Tuesday 27 September 2011

Guardian Angels Of School

I get bored in class. A lot. And today I began coming up with these little angels that help you at school. You have to draw your own - everyone has a different one. So longas they have a humanoid figure, wings and a halo, they're fine. Apart from that, they can look however you want. They help you in class and with homework and in tests and stuff. You want to name them whatever you want to: to make them more unique.
I only came up with the ones from my lessons today and what they do and stuff, so here they are (because I thought it was too weird an idea to keep to myself):
My science angel is called Scientia. She knows all there is to know about science and tells you all the answers. She watches over your experiments with the specific purpose of making sure you get the right results and no accidents (like spilling corosive acid or setting fire to yourself/something highly flammable) happen. She also helps you remember everything and makes sure your diagrams look as if an artist drew them.
My maths angel is called Tangeria. She tells you all the answers and helps you remember how to work them out. She can find the answer faster than a calculator and knows the value of Pi to 9,999,999,999 decimal places. She can even make algebra and geometry make sense to those who find 2+2 difficult.
My break angel is called Fona. She can mute the voice of a teacher, keep you entertained in class and make great conversation. She also provides exciting new daydreams and brilliant tasting food.
My French angel is called Gaula. She can give you the vocab of someone who's spoken French their whole lives and help you with spelling, pronounciation and understanding of written and spoken of French words. You will never be unable to  use or understand a word again.
My geography angel is called Airtha. She also gives you all the answers and of course, knows everything there is to know about geography. She can play holographic films in front of you to make it easier to learn and knows all the details of every possible case study. Also, she makes your diagrams look like those of an artist.
This angel is called Iland. She improves your vocabulary, helps with spelling and handwriting. She notices and remembers all those details needed for English Lit - imagry and things. She can show you a hologram of the place and time where the book or play is set and give you information about this time. And she has read every book in existance.
Utterly shit but the proof of how bored I get in class.

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