Thursday 15 September 2011

Lets Pretend

Dear Diary,
Today was an actually good day. I woke up incredibly happy to find the sunlight streaming in through the window, lighting my room in a golden haze. I wasn't rushed at all to get to school. I got there at the same time as my best friend. She's everything you could ask for in a best friend. And I know I've said that before but I mean it this time - she's real, not a backstabber like all the others.
My first lesson was music - I'm learning a new song on guitar. I wrote the song myself, it's all emo and shit. The lyrics are for self harmers - something they need to hear. It's written directly to the audience. My teacher was listening to it, with me singing along as well, and there were actual tears in his eyes. He told me that I'm the most talented lyricist, singer and guitar player he has ever heard.
My second lesson was journalism. I wrote this amazing review of a couple of new Cd's and came up with a wonderfully creative and utterly fascinating interview of our new head teacher. Including such things as her view on religion, our school ethos and teenagers. She's actually a really great head. I'm so glad we got her.
After break was Swedish. I am so going to get an A* in my GCSE. I can hold a whole conversation with a fluent Swedish speaker. I'm going to do great when I move out there. After all, there isn't any doubt that I can.
Fourth was Creative Writing. I was working on my novel. It's going fantastically. I had a class member read over it. When they came to the end they were severely disappointed. They hadn't wanted it to end. And they were nothing like the main character but it was so well written they identified with her completely and understood all her emotions even though they would never feel the same in such a situation.
At lunch time I had so much fun. Me and my friends were being stupid and just messing around. I was crying with laughter. And I was considered by far the funniest. Laughing with me though, rather than at me like they have done for so long. It's good to be accepted again.
My last lesson was a free period. So I went home early. Once home I got changed so that I can go to London with my friends for the night. It's going to be so much fun.
And guess what? For the whole day the following have been non existent:
- Low self esteem (after all, I am pretty amazing. I'm fucking gorgeous, I'm really smart and socially I'm just the best)
- The urge to cut myself (I don't need it)
- Irritating people taking the piss out of me
- Jealousy of anyone and everyone
- The wish for a wonderful, but currently  non-existent boyfriend
- The wish for a true friend I can trust
- Anger
- Hatred

Oh yeah, one part is true, sorry - I went to school

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