Saturday 7 July 2012


I vaguely remember there being a song called "Summertime Blues" but that's all I remember about it. I have no idea what in that particular case is meant by summertime blues but the phrase fits what I have suffered from for years. Summer to me is about fun. It's about doing things and spending time with your friends. But that's not the summer I have.
Instead I sit in my room and think of what everyone else is doing. The fun that they're having. Because I can never make plans with my friends or do the tings I want to do. So I sleep all morning by which point there isn't much I can do because I don't have enough time to do things before I have to be back home. I spend day after day like that and I know that each day is wasted. And slowly that trapped feeling grows bigger and scarier. And I start to realise I'm wasting my life. All of it I've never done anything special and I never will because I'm too lazy.
I feel like this every summer. And as every summer approaches, I try to think 2this year, it'll be different. This year I'll do something". But despite my best intentions, it never works. And I waste another summer and because I've wasted it I start to get rather depressed and don't want to do anything which leads to me wasting more time where I could be doing something.
Does anyone else do this??
 I wanted to add something positive about summer and this was one of the pictures Google gave me. It was also the least bright of the pictures because as you can see, bright colours and cheerful things are not my style. Well, fingers crossed - one day I might find summer as happy a time as everyone else seems to.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jezabel! ;) It's amazing that you want to get yourself into photography! I think it's a good thing to spend your time with.
    Now about the recommendations... Well, I think the most important thing -like almost anywhere else- PRACTISE!!!! Just take your camera with you all the and take pictures of everything you like somehow.
    Try to see the world through different eyes. Try to realize colours and shaped more intensively, do this wherever you are. If there's a view or an object you like and you don't like the first photo you take of it, don't stop. Maybe ask yourself why you like the object and try to capture it so that exactly this is evidently on the photo.
    Think about where you are positioning the different objects on the photo, don't just hold your camera straight to the object and don't put them always in the middle. Don't zoom all the time, try to take photos without zooming, at least for some time.
    Go for a walk, inside usually there's not so much you could take pretty pictures of.
    Change your perspective. Don't take photos of things everyone sees them every day exactly this way, turn around, go up somewhere or lie on the ground.
    Don't be disappointed if you don't take beautiful pictures in the beginning, NOBODY does, just believe in yourself!! But take pictures regularily, it doesn't have to be every day, but more than once a month.
    Look at photos. I can learn very much just by looking a lot at photos by famous (also not famous) photographers. If you like a photo, ask yourself why, it could help you to get on with photography.
    There's always something to take pictures of somewhere, just open your eyes!!! :)

    Ok, that's a bit chaotic, but I hope it could help you at least a little bit, I look forward to see some pictures ;)

