Tuesday 17 July 2012


So, I had my prom almost a week ago. The gothic freak on the left is me. Next to me is Scarlett. Freya is the girl in the middle. I love her dress (but not as much as my own). Second from right is Amisha who was very pleased with her last minute, unbelievably expensive dress. The birthday girl too! And on the very right is Ganika. Usually I don't consider Freya as one of my best friends but I suppose she is one really. So I love everyone in this photo.
It was a great night. My aunt did my hair and makeup, which this particular photo doesn't show to well. I loved what she did, although I could have done with a bit less blusher. I got to the school when there were about 3 people there. When all my supposed friends turned up (not the ones in this photo, who are my real friends), they were all hanging round with Amelie. The stupid cow turned up to take photos and was wearing a white dress which she was pleased about when it began to pour down with rain. Stupid whore. It was so hard not to start crying when I saw her. She has to ruin everything.
Anyway, we got in the limo, which was colourful and random. It was so cool. I don't remember much about the journey - it was loud and kind of uneventful. But I do remember the rain looking like a waterfall on the window and people talking about Marzenas mum being hot. So of course I had to tell them my mum is hotter. Because she is. When I do a characterisation post on her, I will include a photo so you can judge for yourself.
We eventually got there. The place itself was quite pretty. I was insulted by a girl who looked like she was indulging in Gypsy traditions. But of course it wasn't an obvious insult. It was one that was disguised as a compliment. I hate the way girls use that. Lots of other people who know me because I've said and done stupid things that have been twisted and spread around wanted pictures, I can only assume because they wanted a picture with the "freak". Which angered me.
Amisha was embarrassed when her cake was brought out. Although she loved the earrings I get her. We bullied her into making a speech which she hated us for.
The music was of course the sort of music I can't stand. But it's popular. Personally, I would have played some Lost Prophets. At the least. But it was loud. And in the end, even I was dancing. But way before that Noah started. He is an awful, awful dancer and a few people were laughing at him. But to Hell with them. He was having a great time. He didn't care what other people thought. And enjoying yourself is what prom is about. Oh, and me and Scarlett managed to get a good bitch about Nicki Minaj. Goddess I despise that excuse for a woman! (Tad harsh?) The dancing was great. Although in my stiletto boots it was agonising. I wanted to take them off but I knew that the time and energy spent getting them off would be wasted. So I just tried to ignore it.
There were this couple, I don't know either of them too well. But I saw them together at one point and my heart melted because he gave her The Look. You know that one where from that one look, you know he is completely and utterly in love with her? I've seen it twice before - on a character in a film and on an amine. I guess that means there's hope for us all.
I missed Jaromir through a lot of it and even took some pictures to deliberately annoy him - like the one of me and his best friend. Which worked better than expected because said best friend put his arm round me. But I'm not going to use it against Jaromir. I changed my mind.
Anyway, point is - prom was great. I'm sure I've missed out a great deal of important events but never mind. So, what stories have you got from your prom/the proms of people you know?

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