Tuesday 24 July 2012

12 Year Old Sluts

At first I hated these girls for their immorality and lack of brain etc etc. But then I began to think about why they would do it and I have 2 theories.
1. This theory blames it on naivety. At 12 years old, most girls know in theory that they should never let a guy force them into anything and if he's worth it he won't push you. I don't know these girls personally but I know my own experiences. I knew those things too. But at 15, my biggest mistake was not realising that persuading you into things is basically the same as forcing you. I didn't know the difference between what I thought I wanted (what he wanted) and what I was ready for. How is any 12 year old meant to know? Experience is often what makes you really understand that you don't have to do anything you don't want to and how to know that you don't want it and how to say no. Some people are lucky and understand without experience, some like me understand after one guy, some take a while to learn and others never learn at all. Every guy I've had anything to do with has taught me something about my own worth and what I will and will not accept from a guy. After all, if I don't respect me, why would they? These girls are too young to have learnt that yet and some guys act as if it's their right to get sex etc. I remember that the popular girls back in year 9 thought it such a big deal to have a boyfriend in year 11. And I'm sure some girls will do anything because they're so flattered by the attention from an older guy or because they're so desperate to have something that makes them superior to other girls.
2. This theory blames an immoral and promiscuous celebrity culture that is idolised. My examples:
  • Tulisa from N-Dubz made a sex video with her boyfriend. He published it. She took him to court. She won. Her advice to other girls was not to let it bother you too much. No mention of the fact that once something is on the internet it can't be taken back. No mention of the fact that once you've shared something with one person you have no control over what they do with it. No mention of the fact that you can say no.
  • After the incident with Chris Brown, you would think that Rihanna would be a bit wiser. But she releases songs like S&M and wears nowhere near enough clothing. She does this for attention. Which gives out the message that attention is more important than self respect. And a lot of sluts are sluts for attention. I'll admit it, I try to bury it  but I'm a bit of an attention-whore too (as in someone who is desperate for attention rather than someone who is a whore to get attention). There are better ways to do it. And I only want the right kind of attention which is what Rihanna should be encouraging girls to try and get e.g. attention for getting good grades, for being a good friend etc.
  • "I wanna see your peacock, cock, cock ... Come on baby let me see/Whatchu hiding underneath ... Don't be a shy kinda guy ... Skip the talk ... I want the jaw droppin', eye poppin', head turnin', body shockin'" - Katy Perry, Peacock. Lyrics courtesy of azlyrics. This song encourages girls to be slutty. And not only that, it looks down on guys who wait for sex because actually, they want something more. And isn't that the kind of guy we all want? Someone who cares about us, respects us and wants us for who we are rather than our bodies?
  • How many of you know the P!nk song Stupid Girls? Hopefully every single reader. If not, go listen to it. Now. Not enough people do know it though. It's "old" and not mainstream enough. But here are some of the lyrics: "Maybe if I act like that, that guy will call me back/Porno paparazzi girl ... stupid girl ... What happened to the dreams of a girl president?/She's dancing in the video next to 50 Cent ... The whole world believes it and I'm going crazy ... Outcasts and girls with ambition/That's what I wanna see ... Pretty will you fuck me girl ... Stupid girl!" (Lyrics from the same place). This isn't her only song that could be quoted here - Respect would also work. More girls need to hear things like this. But they don't and they don't get the message in it.
If asked, most 12 year old sluts, or 16 year old ones etc, wouldn't realise that through their role models, they're picking up these kind of messages. But they are because you pick up on a lot more than you realise and all of it affects you, your behaviour and your mental state.

This is all speculation and I would love one day to look at both of these theories in more detail, finding out more information and write more about them. But I don't have the resources or time to do that. Which is a shame really. Maybe if we figure out the cause of such behaviours, we can protect girls from things that encourage such self destructive behaviour,

I'd also love to hear you opinion on these and any theories of your own :)

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