Tuesday 29 May 2012

Guilty Bystander

I am a despicable person. You know that someone is picked on continuously and you have nothing against this person. They have nothing against this person except that he's weak. One day, you are in a conversation that twists towards insulting him. What do you do? Do you do the right thing and stand up to them? Do you say something and remind them that they're dealing with a human being just like them? Do you ignore the fact that they could turn on you and defend him because he did nothing wrong? Or do you do what I do? Do you pretend you didn't hear anything? Cower behind some sort of mask and hate yourself even as you do it?
The trait I hate most in human beings is their ability to close their minds. They refuse to accept another way of life and hate those who do. These comments combined that stupidity along with their usual cruelness. I used to say something about that. Sometimes I still do. I find it important to fight those kind of thoughts, to try to make people see what the world could be if they just accepted one another. But no, not today. Not when it's people my age. Not when it's people I have to face on a daily basis. Not when it's combined with the above. Even when it's a false accusation.
I stand by, and let people be hurt. "Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me" is the biggest lie we were ever told. Words are sharper and more painful than anything we can attempt to create in our constant battle with nature to destroy everything and everyone. And I could be a shield. I could break that impact, send it back. Yes, it would mean taking a few injuries myself. But I should be strong enough to handle it. I hate myself for every second where I haven't intervened. From now on, I will not do that. I will defend these people because that's the moral thing to do. Maybe I can't love and be all wonderful in the way I'm expected to help the world. But I can fight the idiots who think they're so superior because of their cruelty.

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