Friday 25 May 2012


It's Scarlett's birthday today! So I thought I would dedicate a post to her. I bought her birthday present yesterday. It's a moneybox by pure coincidence. It's made by Nemesis Now because she loves them and looks like this:
I really hope she likes it. It was all I could afford. She has an obsession with dragons loves everything to do with them. Except killing/hunting etc them. She believes St George is pure evil for what he did and once decided to write a story about him. Except with changed names. He was, of course, presented as a baddie. Well, an obnoxious and cocky teenage boy anyway. Who failed to kill the dragon because of this girl who was an amazing fighter and took care of the dragon. The dragon had looked after her since she was a child and the only person in her village who wasn't killed by the evil king. This girl had the best weapons of course. Scarlett loves those as well. At the moment her favourite throwing weapons are Kunai, as pictured below.
But overall she prefers Katanas. Which my boyfriend (Jaromir) also loves. He owns one and I tried to use it but it's too big for me. Scarlett is very tall though and so it isn't as much of a problem for her.
When I asked her what else is really important to her she said her rabbit. From what I remember it's a male rabbit by the name of Fudge. He has no front teeth, has very long fur and a weak stomach. Oh, and he isn't mad on people. Which is something they have in common. He isn't her first rabbit but he's the only one she has now. He can be a bit violent but he loves her. And apparently if you pick him up, he'll climb over your shoulder to jump onto the floor. He's not a smart rabbit.
There's a guy at school called Luke. He is creepy. And one day he decided to "dance" with some of the girls in our science class. When he tried it with Scarlett, she attacked him with a ruler and won. He hasn't gone near her since. The world is grateful for her fantastic defeat of him. Although it also showed why she shouldn't be allowed near weapons :')
I probably shouldn't reveal her weaknesses but never mind. She's afraid of diseases. Once her dad made her sit through a film about them. I can't remember the name. She was texting us throughout the whole thing and neither myself nor Amisha could calm her down. Until it got to the end of the film. It turned out that the disease started from a bat. The bat pooed. A pig ate it. A human killed the pig. Hello worldwide epidemic. So I went on the Internet and asked google "do pigs eat bat poo?" Apart from one site I never told her about, all the results were reviews of the film. Which I decided meant that the film was unrealistic and impossible. That worked.
I want to say much, much more because there is so much more to Scarlett. But I'm sure everyone is bored by now so I'll end it.

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