Monday 28 May 2012


I was on the Internet looking something up and I clicked on this other, unrelated link. I found a page on how to use the Socratic method of arguing.
It's brilliant!! I've tried it on someone I'm in the middle of a debate with and I don't hope to convince him I'm right. I just want to make him think a little because he's so closed minded. He hasn't read it yet. But it's so much fun. Although patience is kind of needed. But I can do that. It's just asking questions and letting them dig their own holes! This is fantastic. Socrates is a genius!! It means you get less frustrated as well when you're trying to prove a point and they won't listen. If you're asking questions, they usually answer and .... wait a second. This is what Scarlett always uses on me ....
Well, I do need to know the weaknesses of this argument so that I can make sure the idiot with the closed mind doesn't win ... And so that Scarlett doesn't leave me so flustered and wound up after using it on me ....

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