Saturday 9 June 2012

School's Out!!

"School's out for summer
School's out for ever"
It's been a whole week now since I finished school. The leavers service was worth going to in the end I guess. Although it was doubtful. I won't bore you with the whole thing - just the parts that I remember. I was so excited because my mum was there. Normally she doesn't go to things like that. She has work and Dad has work.That's just how it is. But this time she was there to see me finish secondary school.
At one point our form tutors made speeches. They were all very soppy and sweet. One form tutor talked about what song she will remember each person in her form by. Amisha got "Mysterious Girl". I would have loved to know what song someone would associate with me. But our teacher decided to talk about uniform. Which is probably for the best, I might have cried otherwise.
We were all called up to the front of the hall in register order to receive our Progress Files. We had to walk from the back of the hall to the front. I hated it because everyone was looking. And all I could think about was that I was on my period and I really hoped I didn't have blood stains on the back of my trousers.
Freya, a girl I'm friends with, is normally very quiet. Her speaking voice isn't remarkable. She's smallish. And she got up on stage to sing. We all know she's good.She's got a manager and we've heard her sing some pretty song before. But this time it was a soul(?) song. Have you ever seen Christina Augilara sing? You look at her and think nothing much and then she starts singing in a voice that sounds like it should belong to a rather large black woman? (No offence intended, that's just the only way I know to describe it). Well, hearing Saffron sing this song was something like that. It was unbelievably shocking.
Just after or just before was some sort of multicultural thing. My boyfriend came up with it or lead it or something so I kind of had to pay attention. It was basically people saying that they loved the school and wish us all good luck. I feel bad but I have to admit it wouldn't be worth mentioning if it wasn't for Jaromir being part of it.
Towards the end a letter was read out. For charity week this year the money was raised for the Kerry Fitz-John memorial trust thingy. Miss Fitz-John was our geography teacher before she died of cancer last year. The money the charity receives is used to improve the facilities locally so that more women here can survive cancer. A letter was written to us from her mum, who runs the charity. This was the letter read out at the end of the leavers thing. That was the closest I got to crying. Which I managed not to do for the whole thing. Unlike a lot of people.
So that was it. The end of school. I have 3 exams left and then I'm done. How the fuck dis that happen?

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