Tuesday 27 September 2011

Guardian Angels Of School

I get bored in class. A lot. And today I began coming up with these little angels that help you at school. You have to draw your own - everyone has a different one. So longas they have a humanoid figure, wings and a halo, they're fine. Apart from that, they can look however you want. They help you in class and with homework and in tests and stuff. You want to name them whatever you want to: to make them more unique.
I only came up with the ones from my lessons today and what they do and stuff, so here they are (because I thought it was too weird an idea to keep to myself):
My science angel is called Scientia. She knows all there is to know about science and tells you all the answers. She watches over your experiments with the specific purpose of making sure you get the right results and no accidents (like spilling corosive acid or setting fire to yourself/something highly flammable) happen. She also helps you remember everything and makes sure your diagrams look as if an artist drew them.
My maths angel is called Tangeria. She tells you all the answers and helps you remember how to work them out. She can find the answer faster than a calculator and knows the value of Pi to 9,999,999,999 decimal places. She can even make algebra and geometry make sense to those who find 2+2 difficult.
My break angel is called Fona. She can mute the voice of a teacher, keep you entertained in class and make great conversation. She also provides exciting new daydreams and brilliant tasting food.
My French angel is called Gaula. She can give you the vocab of someone who's spoken French their whole lives and help you with spelling, pronounciation and understanding of written and spoken of French words. You will never be unable to  use or understand a word again.
My geography angel is called Airtha. She also gives you all the answers and of course, knows everything there is to know about geography. She can play holographic films in front of you to make it easier to learn and knows all the details of every possible case study. Also, she makes your diagrams look like those of an artist.
This angel is called Iland. She improves your vocabulary, helps with spelling and handwriting. She notices and remembers all those details needed for English Lit - imagry and things. She can show you a hologram of the place and time where the book or play is set and give you information about this time. And she has read every book in existance.
Utterly shit but the proof of how bored I get in class.

Monday 26 September 2011


If you live in England, then on Thursdays at 9 o' clock you can watch Educating Essex on channel 4. This is a documentary about how awful the students are in Essex. The featured school is Passmores in Harlow. I don't to Passmores but I do live in Essex.
For those of you who haven't seen it, last week focused on two girls. One, Charlotte, was on her mobile in class and was basically a rude bitch. The teachers were unbelievably soft. Despite Amelie's complaints about how awful they are. At my school, we're meant to hand our phones into the office. Only the year 7s do and the teachers know that. But we keep them on silent and try not to be too obvious if we text people. Because if we get caught with them the teachers have to confiscate them and then we have to get our parents to come and get it back.
The second girl, Carmelita, falsely accused a teacher of assault. She was suspended for a couple of weeks. We would be thrown out. Permanently.
Next week it features a guy called Sam being a prick. I used to fancy him actually. But I do seem to have the worlds worst taste in guys. I'm getting smarter though ;)
As well as this negative spotlight on our shitty little chavvy county, there is The Only Way Is Essex. I have never seen it. But it portrays all the stereotypes of Essex.
I'm sorry to say this, but in a way, it's very true. If I told you about half the girls in my school you would be in shock. And we're one of the best schools in the town. Having both braincells and morals, I'm a bit of a novelty. Which they see as bad.
I'm in my last year of compulsory education. After this, it's off to do my A-levels and then to university. My grades are rarely below a B and normally above and I rarely get into trouble. I'm part of the Fairtrade group at school. My Saturday mornings are spent doing volunteer work. I speak English rather than Chav, I don't feel the need to be orange and I give a shit about other people. Normally getting into university shouldn't be too hard.
But as they get pickier and pickier it gets harder and harder. I'll never make it into the top universities, but I'll still try. And I should be able to make it somewhere.
But what if they take one look at where I come from and decide not to let me in? What if they refuse to take a chance on me because people are slagging us off so badly and so often? What if for the rest of my life I'm haunted by that stereotype?
So thanks TV companies. Try sharing the criticism out a bit? Then no-one can be truly looked down upon. And to be perfectly honest, your ideas suck. You're really running out of ideas. There are other ways to provide entertainment. You have a thing called an imagination. Use it.

Thursday 15 September 2011

Lets Pretend

Dear Diary,
Today was an actually good day. I woke up incredibly happy to find the sunlight streaming in through the window, lighting my room in a golden haze. I wasn't rushed at all to get to school. I got there at the same time as my best friend. She's everything you could ask for in a best friend. And I know I've said that before but I mean it this time - she's real, not a backstabber like all the others.
My first lesson was music - I'm learning a new song on guitar. I wrote the song myself, it's all emo and shit. The lyrics are for self harmers - something they need to hear. It's written directly to the audience. My teacher was listening to it, with me singing along as well, and there were actual tears in his eyes. He told me that I'm the most talented lyricist, singer and guitar player he has ever heard.
My second lesson was journalism. I wrote this amazing review of a couple of new Cd's and came up with a wonderfully creative and utterly fascinating interview of our new head teacher. Including such things as her view on religion, our school ethos and teenagers. She's actually a really great head. I'm so glad we got her.
After break was Swedish. I am so going to get an A* in my GCSE. I can hold a whole conversation with a fluent Swedish speaker. I'm going to do great when I move out there. After all, there isn't any doubt that I can.
Fourth was Creative Writing. I was working on my novel. It's going fantastically. I had a class member read over it. When they came to the end they were severely disappointed. They hadn't wanted it to end. And they were nothing like the main character but it was so well written they identified with her completely and understood all her emotions even though they would never feel the same in such a situation.
At lunch time I had so much fun. Me and my friends were being stupid and just messing around. I was crying with laughter. And I was considered by far the funniest. Laughing with me though, rather than at me like they have done for so long. It's good to be accepted again.
My last lesson was a free period. So I went home early. Once home I got changed so that I can go to London with my friends for the night. It's going to be so much fun.
And guess what? For the whole day the following have been non existent:
- Low self esteem (after all, I am pretty amazing. I'm fucking gorgeous, I'm really smart and socially I'm just the best)
- The urge to cut myself (I don't need it)
- Irritating people taking the piss out of me
- Jealousy of anyone and everyone
- The wish for a wonderful, but currently  non-existent boyfriend
- The wish for a true friend I can trust
- Anger
- Hatred

Oh yeah, one part is true, sorry - I went to school

Tuesday 6 September 2011

Dear Marzena

Dear Marzena,
I've complained about you a lot over the past few months. I've bitched about you when I couldn't hold it in, I've written blog entries about how much I hate you, I've written in my diary about you. But I'm writing this letter/blog in the hope it's the last one. Because in a way I am saying what I think to you and as soon as each thought is typed it can be set free and I can move on. I hope.
Amelie believes that Ganika made up what she told me. She is inclined to believe that because she trusts you and doesn't like Ganika. I, on the other hand, trust Ganika and have seen you at your worst. Amelie doesn't yet realise that I don't trust her. And that I never will. She doesn't know the pain I felt whenever you two would bitch about me and then we'd fight. That was your biggest mistake, because I know you stirred up all those arguments. You would lie to us and twist things. I cried because of something you started. And you have no idea what it takes to make me cry.
You knew about my self harm. Because back then I trusted you. Telling everyone and using Amelie and Archie as a threat to get me to stop was plain pathetic.
Especially when, looking back, you were the root cause of almost every cut I made. I stopped before because I didn't need to do it. Now I'm tempted to carry on. But something always stops me. And I'm fairly sure that something is the knowledge that you caused it. And your control over my emotions is growing weaker. I will not let it get back to how it was.
I'm glad that because of me, you couldn't go to Iceland. I'm sorry we ended up stopping everyone else from going by dropping out. But I am so fucking glad you didn't get to do something that amazing. Anything that makes you suffer in any way at all is good as far as I'm concerned. I genuinely hope that your life gets so bad - even with small things - that you commit suicide :D - the point being, you caused me not to be able to go. So I think that's poetic justice really :D
As for you telling me how I should have done things at the end of my relationship with Toby - you have NEVER been in a relationship. Understandably, you're ugly and a bitch. But I'm getting distracted by insults. What I meant to say was that you haven't been there. You don't know what it's like. When you have done it, when have been in that situation - then, and only then, do you have the right to tell me how I should have done it. And after I said that bit about hating exes to Eva and you told me to shut up because I'd never had that - kind of hypocritical.
When I came back from Paris I was quite close to Jack. You ruined that. You got all flirty around him and so I felt all pathetic and crap. And so I couldn't feel comfortable hanging around with him. You ruined that friendship. You ruined my friendship with Amelie. And the last set of arguments you caused ruined my friendship with all the others. I can't trust Ganika, Scarlett or Amisha properly because they've met you and you might turn them against me. Like you did with everyone else. The three people I feel closest to, you have never met. In fact, because of you, I can't trust anyone. I'm constantly wondering if they're secretly stabbing me in the back like you did.
I've written all I can currently think of. And no, I don't feel better. And I think everyone else has forgotten what you did and moved on but I haven't. You really fucked me over emotionally. And I'm going to bear the physical and psychological scars for the rest of my life. I can't forgive you - you did too much and it cut too deep. I haven't set anything free. Yet again, I can't seem to get my thoughts organised enough to write the true extent of what you did to me. All I can say is, I don't want you dead anymore. I want you to suffer really badly. I want you to pay for everything you have done to me.
And you know what, this isn't me! I don't bear grudges like that. I don't want anyone to suffer. I forgive. I let people have a second chance. I try to see the best in them. This is just the start of the side effects of what you've done.
So congratulations. You've fucked me up, ruined my mental health and emotional stability and caused me so much pain, nothing will get me over it. Are you happy now?

Friday 2 September 2011

Another Attempt To Tell You About My Holiday

I've always loved reading stories set in far off fantasy realms. I've always loved writing about adventures far more exciting than anything I'll ever see. So for my life to be this boring is the worst possible curse!
Which is why writing about my holiday is great for me. In my diaries I have often compared my life to a story, but the most boring story ever written. So my holiday is all I have that is interesting and real that I can write about. Some of you may have noticed I tried before. But I deleted those blog entries because I went about them all wrong. All my friends on Interpals have asked about it and I can tell then without being bored by the subject, so clearly I needed to write this in a different way.
Here is my new attempt.
The boat was amazing. I have never been anywhere like it. It was huge and the luxury was like nothing I have ever had before. They came to clean our rooms out and make our beds twice a day! They had live music at dinner and in the lobby like area. A lot of people looked down on me but I didn't care. A lot of people didn't. A lot of people complimented me and asked where I got my boots from. I made friends on the boat. Only one of which I have any means of communication with now. His name is Leo and he was really friendly. He reminds me of someone in my town actually. But I'm not sure why. I feel comfortable talking to him and I trust him far more than is safe for me to trust someone I have actually met. Out of all the friends I made he was my favourite. It was easy to talk to him, unlike the others.
I spent most of my free time out on deck. By the pool if I wanted to find people and it was sunny, by the pool but under shelter if it was raining or really windy and I wanted to find someone or write in my diary without the pages being blown everywhere or soaked. Or I would go up a deck and stand in the wind where there were no other people when I wanted to be by myself. Dinner was the only time I really spent with my dad when we were on the ship because he stuck to our cabin the rest of the time. The food at dinner was very posh and I didn't eat that much. I preferred the buffet but even then it was a struggle for me to eat. However our waitress at the restaurant was really cheerful and friendly. She would stand around and talk to us. She was absolutely lovely. We sat on a table where it was just the two of us, unlike on others where you were sat with strangers. Behind me sat a man we nicknamed "Brick", watch Outnumbered if you don't understand why. We never spoke to this man and he has no clue of our nickname for him. But it just fitted so well. We got a good view of the people below us. One table had a very fat woman with gigantic boobs and low cut tops, so every time we looked down, that was what we saw of her. Their child would have a plate of chips and a bottle of ketchup with his dinner and would sit and play on his DS throughout the meal. Which irritated me even from the floor above because my parents have spent a long time trying to force to me to sit at the dinner table with nothing to do but talk/watch the DVD we put on. I hated leaving my book or DS behind, but it's considered rude to bring them to the table. So why should this kid be allowed to sit and do that. In your own home is one thing, but when your out? The dad was bald, possibly by choice. And there was a conversation on our table about if we threw butter at his head would it stick or slide off? On a nearby table was a very gorgeous guy (near the table I described I mean) who seemed to be with his girlfriend. She was one of those ever-so-perfect people that I just want to throttle. Admittedly, admiring this seriously hot guy did cause me to knock over my coke in my failure to pay attention to what I was doing though.
The countries themselves were very far from what I expected.
Copenhagen didn't seem that great to me. They had a lot of statues of elephants. Some of them were really awesome. They had lots of statues of other things too. Their royal palace was beautiful from the outside but dark and dingy inside. Their guard people that we saw outside a parliament building turned their face behind their rifles when we went to take a picture. Which led to comments when we had got away about how our special forces get taught how to pixelate their faces, partly thought up thanks to Top Gear when they go to the North Pole. Their shopping centre was very far away and had shops that I would find in the town centre at home. We didn't find much else to do.
Stockholm was beautiful. Our first view was of forests. The city contained some really cool shops that I would have spent a fortune in, except they opened later than our arrival. Their royal palace was seriously cool, but bettered by the Russian a few days later. Their guys were hot. Their bookshops were awesome. I loved everything about it. I knew from that day that I am going to live in Sweden when I'm older.
Helsinki was big and boxy and Americanised. The person in the first music shop I went to was very friendly. He directed me to a second music shop where I could buy some Finnish metal. The people there weren't so friendly. But I got what I wanted. I haven't listened to it yet though. So I don't know what it's like. They have a lot of hot guys too.
The Summer Palace in Pushkin, Russia is beautiful and the gardens are a piece of Heaven. I love the story behind those doll things, it's so sweet. And the tradition of giving them to people when you go to a new place and stuff is really cool. I love the bit about giving Faberge eggs to "a woman you really care about" too. St Peters burg was a great place. But I have to say, the people I encountered were very rude and that did spoil the country. And so did the fact all their women/girls look better than me :p
Estonia was beautiful. I wouldn't want to live there though. Oh and their medieval food was plain gross. They have a cool castle though. And they created like, 80% vodka. Erm, there were lots of trees. I spent the day on a coach mostly so there isn't that much to say about it because I don't know that much about it.
Gothenburg was great. The culture festival thing was awesome and I wish I'd stayed to see more. Their botanical gardens rival Russia's palace gardens. There were a lot of emos too. Like Stockholm, it's utterly amazing and going there strengthened my desire to live there.
And there you go. The main things I had to write about my holiday. Finally complete.