Monday 11 June 2012

I Hate Mymaths

I have a maths exam on Wednesday and I've been revising using the tasks on mymaths. I spent an hour on "Pythagoras and trigonometry" before I even started the activity itself. Which I got 5 out of 20 on. I have not idea why I got 5 out of 20 or where I was going wrong. 3 of those marks were for the wrong answer.
I've found this video thanks to Scarlett and thought I would share Hitlers opinions with you:
"THEY ARE TAKING THE PISS! I TOLD THEM NOT TO SET ME ANY MORE HOMEWORK ON THAT PIECE OF SHIT! I've already spent the past week re-doing all of my tasks because I didn't press FUCKING "checkout" at the end. I  told them I prefer to do it on paper! Paper [lets] me show my workings. And all because they cannot be bothered to mark shit themselves! They have to get a gay computer to do their work! ... IT'S THEIR FUCKING JOB! To mark it and [give us feedback] ... FUCK THE SMILEY FACES! And those shitty scores! They can lick my balls! How the hell is a three colour marking system supposed to show you how you have gone wrong!?! And help you improve your problem solving skills! How the fuck am I supposed to conquer all of bastard Europe! When I have to spend hours wandering through my notes on the sine rule when I simply rounded up wrong. I hate doing homework on that infuriating system. I'd rather wear a tight little miniskirt and get fucked up the [arse]! By STALIN! I can't believe it's come to this. I was their star pupil, I knew those formulae inside out. Yet I only average at 68%! A single question - 8 MARKS LOST for one tiny fucking error! It makes me look LIKE A RETARD! You should have never told me to take maths at A-Level. I should have listened to my wife."
I have better grammar than Hitler (hence me correcting half of it but being too lazy to change the rest, and the changing from American to English). I don't wish to conquer Europe. I'd rather not be let Stalin do that to me (especially because it's have to be a zombie Stalin! Ew!!). I've never been a star pupil. I'm not taking maths at A level. I don't have a wife. I never use "gay" as an insult. But apart from that, Hitler has a good point.

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