Thursday 4 August 2011

Untitled Short Story

This was thrown together because a friend had wanted to read a piece of my writing to see my style. I haven't heard from her since. But this story is not going to waste. (P.S. Any tips on how I can write better are ALWAYS welcome)
I had risked everything for him. Yes - everything. My friends, my family - even my life. Just to be with him. Because I had believed him. I believed him when he said he loved me. And I had believed myself. I had believed myself when I said I loved him. And so despite everything I had travelled to find him. And oh I found him alright. With another fucking woman!
I stopped when I realised I couldn't see. I wiped away the tears blurring my vision, disgusted at the sight of them. That arsehole didn't deserve me. I owed him nothing. Not even tears. I swallowed back the next flood daring to even think if leaving my eyes, and looked around. After I'd seen him with that slut I'd stormed off. And I'd walked and thought and cried and run until I had no clue where I was. All I knew that I was in the mountains somewhere.
I sat down in defeat. And fresh tears formed - I had nothing and no-one, I was lost and going to starve to death here. I cried for hours and hours until I heard a male voice.
"Why on Earth is a beautiful woman like you crying out here alone?"
I looked up and my breath caught in my throat. It was the man I had seen in all my dreams, I had always wondered who he was. He was stunning. The hottest guy I had ever met. His brown eyes were full of concern, partially hidden by his long dark hair that fell over his face. He lifted a hand to brush it back and even his hand was gorgeous.
"Sorry" - his voice brought back memories of cozy nights snowed in, the forest we went to on holiday every year in my teens, the bonfire we lit the night before we came home, the river I played in as a child, dancing in the rain with my sisters and the freedom I had enjoyed when I was younger. All my favourite memories.
My cheeks flushed bright red as I realised I'd been staring.
"I shouldn't have asked that. My name's Jove by the way"
I found my voice again although it was slightly croaky from the abuse my throat had suffered in my anger.
"No, it's - fine. Jove." I was far more hesitant than usual. Unsure, for the first time ever, what to do or say. "I'm Astarte. And, to answer your question, I have, just, hadmyheartbroken". I mumbles the last bit rather quickly, afraid of more tears.
Somehow though, I knew I could trust this stranger - Jove.
"May I sit with you Astarte?" I smiled my answer. My famous smile that could melt the heart of the ice queen herself.
So he sat close to me and put his arm around my shoulders. Normally I would be offended at this move. But with him it felt so right and natural. And I liked it.
We began to talk. And we both talked about everything. Our lives before, our lives ahead, ourselves, the people we knew, our homes. In those hours I don't think a single topic was left uncovered. He was kind and sweet and made me laugh. We got on so well and had so much in common. We understood each other.
Slowly, each word was another stitch in to close the gap in my heart. And after a while, it was fixed and full again. Who could compare to Jove? My earlier hurt forgotten, I was in love again.
We finally ran out of things to say. And then we sat and stared into each others eyes. He leaned forward without realising. I closed the gap. There was sparks and healing and love and a need for more. We finally drew apart, breathless. And, as I looked once more into his eyes, I knew for certain that Jove was my soul mate.
Personally I think it's rather overdone. I'll have to do better next time

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