Sunday 8 April 2012

Emo Poetry

I used to write a lot of poetry and I re-read some of it today. It's been over a year so now I can laugh at my pathetic attempts. But I found two that I liked, even if they're not very well written. I'm desperately trying to improve them and not doing very well. Reading all those poems has made me want to start writing poetry again. Some of the stuff people write is amazing! Not the stuff I write but maybe if I keep on practising I'll get fairly good. Emo poetry's always been the type that makes the most sense to me ... I can understand that stuff. Reading old diary entries (how I found the poems) proves I'm not as depressed as I was before but they still mean a lot to me and I still have my darker moments.
Anyway, I found a poem called She And Me by someone called Rose o Fletch on a website called and I thought I'd share it.
"She smiles, I cry
She's brave, I'm shy
She loves, I'm alone
She's amazing, I'm unknown
She's beautiful, I'm a mess
She's happy, I'm depressed
She's a fake, I am real
My mask is perfect, she hides me"
That is exactly how I used to feel. And sometimes in my worst moods, I still do feel that way.

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