Tuesday 24 April 2012

Personality Quiz

I got this from www.personalityquiz.net It's called The Desert.
"You have been travelling through the desert for days. You are tired and water is running low. You have with you the following animals:
A cow (ko in Swedish, which I need to practise)
A lion (lejon)
A monkey (apa)
A horse (häst)
A goat (get)
You only have a limited amount of water left - not enough for you and all your animals to escape. If you run out of water all of you will die in the desert.
You realise that if you are to make it out of the desert at all, you are going to have to make a tough decision. You are going to have to leave one of the animals behind so that the rest of you may live.
Which animal do you leave behind?"
I chose the goat.
"You have four animals left. The desert is is burning up it goes on for miles. Your water supply is running even lower than you first thought. You realise that to get  out, you are going to have to leave another animal behind.
Which animal do you leave behind?"
I left behind the monkey.
"You have three animals left. You reach the oasis but it has dried up! You have no other choice but to leave another animal behind.
Which animal do you leave behind?"
Goodbye cow.
"You only have two animals left. It's a long hot walk. You can see the edge of the desert in the horizon. Unfortunately, you do not have enough water left for three. You can only leave the desert with one animal.
Which animal do you leave behind?"
Sorry lion.
"Congratulations! The two of you made it out of the desert!"
Each animal represents an aspect of your life. The longer they lasted the more important they are to you. So mine from most to least important are:
Horse - something you are very passionate about
Lion - pride and courage
Cow - desire to help and care for other people
Monkey - your desire to create harmony in a group
Goat - wealth and abundance

What are your results?

P.S. No animals of any kind were harmed in the creation of this post

Tuesday 10 April 2012

Crap ...

I don't want you anymore.
You're the one I'm done crying for.
And yet when you call me,
I let you take whatever you want from me.
You're my destruction,
But I can't resist your seduction.
I beg of you to set me free.
I beg of you to let me be.

Tyler has been texting me ...

Sunday 8 April 2012

Emo Poetry

I used to write a lot of poetry and I re-read some of it today. It's been over a year so now I can laugh at my pathetic attempts. But I found two that I liked, even if they're not very well written. I'm desperately trying to improve them and not doing very well. Reading all those poems has made me want to start writing poetry again. Some of the stuff people write is amazing! Not the stuff I write but maybe if I keep on practising I'll get fairly good. Emo poetry's always been the type that makes the most sense to me ... I can understand that stuff. Reading old diary entries (how I found the poems) proves I'm not as depressed as I was before but they still mean a lot to me and I still have my darker moments.
Anyway, I found a poem called She And Me by someone called Rose o Fletch on a website called www.bestteenpoems.com and I thought I'd share it.
"She smiles, I cry
She's brave, I'm shy
She loves, I'm alone
She's amazing, I'm unknown
She's beautiful, I'm a mess
She's happy, I'm depressed
She's a fake, I am real
My mask is perfect, she hides me"
That is exactly how I used to feel. And sometimes in my worst moods, I still do feel that way.

Tuesday 3 April 2012


I got loads of money for my 16th birthday and I need to decide what to spend it on. I have 3 options to choose from: concert tickets, prom shoes and guitar lessons. I have £145.
Concert tickets, pros:
  • I can make up for not seeing Black Veil Brides on my birthday
  • I love music
  • I love the atmosphere of concerts
  • It will be an amazing memory and well worth the money
  • There are so many bands I want to see live
  • I really, really want to stand in another mosh pit which still seems like too awesome a word to use for anything that happens in my life
Concert tickets, cons:
  • I wouldn't be able to see Black Veil Brides because I missed their fucking tour, rendering the first point useless (thanks a lot Dad)
  • I have no-one to go with
  • My parents might not let me go
  • Dad might just throw a strop again and make things difficult
Prom shoes, pros:
  • I do need shoes for prom and I have nothing that will go with my dress
  • It's an excuse for another pair of New Rocks, especially since my current pair are beginning to fall apart because I wear them so much
  • I can't ask my parents to pay for them because all the stuff I like is very expensive and mum already paid for my dress
  • In response to the point below about shopping at Camden, I can shop online
  • I won't have this much money again before prom
Prom shoes, cons:
  • I won't be able to wear them until prom except around the house to get used to them
  • They will quite possibly cost more than £145
  • I would have to go all the way to Camden to get them. I don't know anyone who will go shopping with me
Guitar lessons, pros:
  • I have always wanted to learn to play guitar
  • They loan you an instrument
  • I really really really want to be able to play an instrument, guitar in particular
  • I may never get another chance
Guitar lessons, cons:
  • It's £22 per lesson. I have the money now but I might have it consistently
  • It might shatter my dream - what if I'm a total fail or it isn't as amazing as I'd imagined?
  • What if I'm so awful I can't even get a second lesson?
  • Lets face it, I'll never be like Jinxx or Slash or Gary Moore or Jimmy Hendrix or any other talented guitarist. No more than I'll ever look or sound like Amy Lee

If you have any idea what I should do, please comment!