Thursday 15 March 2012


When I wake up in the morning I'm practically a zombie. I don't like leaving my bed and my bed doesn't like letting me go. I remain tired for the entire day. I quite often have to fight o stay awake in class and don't always bother. I get home from school and I reach half 8 (if I'm lucky) before deciding I'm too tired. Sometimes I stay up anyway for dinner or to call dad or to finish a drink or because moving enough to get into my pjs and then onto bed is waaaaaaaaaaay too much effort. Wake up in the morning and repeat.
On Saturdays I sleep in and it's the most wonderful feeling ever. But at some point I have to wake up. When I do I have a headache because my body doesn't like sleeping that long, I'm desperate to pee, my throat is drier than the Sahara dessert and I'm fucking starving. I will try for a little more sleep but won't get any. And yet I am STILL tired. On Sundays I try so, so hard to sleep in as late as on Saturday. But I just can't. And I'm STILL tired.
During half term I woke up somewhere between 11 and 2 every single day. By 4 I would be tired again. This is actually when I started to notice it was a problem. It was a few weeks later that I started getting into bed at 6. Then, when I was woken up for dinner, I would still be so tired that even my usual zombie communication seemed perfectly clear and understandable. Now I'm falling asleep at school, I have to wonder .... what the fuck is wrong with me? Why am I always tired?
Now I've whinged a little about that, I'm going to bed :)

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