Thursday 30 June 2011

Perfection Is A LIE

I'm not the prettiest or the funniest or the smartest or the best at anything. In fact, if you put me with my friends (including those I'm deliberatly drifting away from) - you won't notice me at all. I had two things that I could do though. Writing and history.
History was good because there's this one girl at school. She's the Perfect One. And she was always better than me at everything. And I was doing so well, getting all A*s in my mocks, coming top of the class, being two marks away from perfection.I was the best student my teacher had ever had. And then, it disappeared. She's the perfect one. And I'm back where I was before - invisible.
It's frustrating because I've always wanted to be good at something. I've always wanted to be appreciated and loved for who I am. This was one small victory. I was good at something.
And as for my writing, if you've read any of my blog posts you'll see how pathetic I am at that. Especially if you read my other one where I was meant to be convincing people my house was haunted and after one post I deleted it because it was so shit.
So I decided then and there, I had to kill her. I didn't care how. I just wanted her gone.
I wish. I know I'm just jealous and it's quite petty. But I can't help but feel I've been replaced. And as if I'm now useless and unwanted and alone.
I can make myself go unseen if I need to. I'm the invisible one. That's my only talent. Making people not see me. But I don't really try with that. Mostly I just be with other people, that way no-one would want to look at me.
And the problem is, I hate being invisible. I'm sick of hearing about how everyone's better than me at everything. And I'm really sick of smiling and congratulating them like a kind, caring friend I'm meant to be.
I'm not going to lie, I get compliments. But only from my friends. And they're lies. Despite the title, that's the lie. Any good thing anyone ever accidentally thought about me. They're see through lies.
The other lies, i.e. perfection, are so hard to find. Because the imperfection (the fact that these "perfect" people are ruthless bitches!) is so well hidden. At least I'm honest. I get that I'm fucking awful. And I gave up on trying to be better.
I just get so, so sick of being the only one without a talent. Some people are good at everything. And some only have one thing. I only had one thing. But now I'm back to none. No talents, no personality, no looks. What on earth do I have thats worth living for? I'm a fucking fail of a person. No-one would give a shit if I disappeared. I doubt they'd even notice. I tried to drown myself in the bath today. But I stopped when an alam went off on my phone. If only I hadn't stopped ....
Never mind, I'm going to stop whining and find an excuse to not be seen with my pretty, funny, smart, perfect "friends" (I hate them for an entirely different reason) so that I might get some recognotion once or twice in my life.

Thursday 2 June 2011

32 Things To Do In A Queue At A Theme Park

Everyone gets bored when you're in a 50 minute (or longer) queue for a ride. Including me and my friends. So yesterday, we thought we'd entertain ourselves (and annoy the people behind us :p ) and write a list as we were doing it. We wanted to reach 100 but by the time we got to 32 we were at the front of the queue. (We didn't try all of these)
1. Do the macarena
2. Do other stupid dances
3. Stick your tongue out at people
4. Pretend your German
5. Or any other nationality
6. Make friends
7. Wave at strangers
8. Roll your eyes into the back of your head
9. Sing nursery rhymes
10. Play clapping games
11. Laugh at people
12. Flirt with cute guys/girls
13. Sit on barriers
14. Take weird photos
15. Text a friend
16. Lie on a coffin
17. Talk to the people in front of you
18. Or behind you
19. Do stupid things with your hair
20. Pretend its national hug day
21. Play mercy
22. Sing songs
23. Pull faces at each other
24. Pull faces at other people
25. Give each other piggy backs
26. Act camp
27. Prank call people
28. Mexican wave
29. Sing songs about bananas
30. Make up songs about bananas
31. Make your fingers get married
32. Pretend its someones birthday